High-quality restorative dentistry at our practice can help give you a healthy and beautiful smile. For crowns and bridges in East Brunswick, schedule an appointment with Dr. Besho today.
At the dental office of Ralph W. Besho, DMD, PA, we offer porcelain crowns and bridges. Crowns and bridges are fixed prosthetic devices used to restore or replace teeth. Most procedures are completed in just a few simple appointments in order to maximize your convenience. Our attentive staff is here to assist you with any needs, and we pride ourselves in offering a welcoming, inviting environment.
If you have suffered severe tooth decay or damage, you may benefit from a dental crown. Our office offers high-quality porcelain crowns to entirely restore your tooth’s function and look. We use porcelain for its strength, durability and natural appearance, allowing us to repair your tooth without compromising the quality of your smile or bite. We can typically place your crown in two visits.
Crowns have many uses, including:
If you have suffered the loss of one or more teeth, our dentist may recommend a dental bridge. Gaps left by tooth loss can cause the remaining teeth to eventually shift to fill the empty spaces, resulting in a poor bite. Left unaddressed, the imbalance caused by your misaligned teeth can affect your ability to properly speak and chew.
Our office offers high-quality porcelain bridges to restore the strength of your bite and the natural look of your smile. A bridge is used to fill the empty space. We will cement your bridge to the dental crowns on either side of the gap, called abutments, which anchor your bridge in place. One or more replacement teeth, called pontics, are attached to the crowns to restore your bite.
Crowns and bridges can up to about 15 years. Be sure to take care of your dental restorations with good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups. Avoid hard or sticky foods to keep from damaging your dental restorations. If you play sports or enjoy other physical activities, wear a mouth guard to protect your teeth.
We offer high-quality restorative dentistry services to help you achieve a beautiful and healthy smile. For crowns and bridges in East Brunswick, call our office at (732) 314-0832. Schedule an appointment with our family-friendly staff to get the care you deserve.